I look around New York City, the week before Thanksgiving and it feels like Christmas. I was at the Hudson Yards last week dressed for the holidays. It seems like daylight saving hit and boom Christmas. One thing, I plan on doing for the holidays is to shop locally and at some of the Christmas markets. Please consider doing the same, either in person or online.
Let's start with spices and spice blends. In NYC, you can find spice markets in certain neighborhoods. In Hell's Kitchen, we are fortunate to have La Boite

I love acupuncture and during the last 20 months have missed it. I use these tools at home and can't wait to actually go in person. Need to book a service at WTHN . Services or things from the shop make great gifts. Obsessed with the tea, they serve in person.

For the foodie in your life, I would shop at Korin for a great chef knife. It's key in cooking and needed if you want to do a cooking class. You can always take a virtual cooking class with me, I'm happy to be able to be offering in-person cooking classes, reach out via email to discuss. We can start with knife skills.

I know in the winter one of the things, I love is a humidifier. I just got this new one from a local online store called Duendehut. The small business owner is based in NYC.

Who does love a gorgeous cookbook? I recently got to support Chef Priyanka's book launch for Modern Tiffin. Let's support upcoming chefs and ones that support local and sustainable practices.

Gift cards from your favorite stores and restaurants are a great gift to loved ones and friends. I also offer gift cards to my services. Good for in-person and virtual experiences.

If you are looking for more kitchen essentials, I have My Daily Essentials guide in which I share what I use on a daily basis. You can grab it here and sign up for my monthly newsletter.
Happy Holiday Shopping!! Who are you excited to shop for this season?